
Frequently Ask Questions

What if I don’t know the recipient’s age?2019-09-02T05:28:51-06:00

Take your best guess, and err on the higher-end. Kids like to be thought of as more-mature rather than less-mature, and the coupons don’t expire. The recipient won’t see the age that you entered into the system.

Why don’t you have options for boy/girl, or male/female gifts?2019-09-02T05:28:28-06:00

We realized that any gender can love any activity, and the ideal gift is much more related to the recipient’s age and general interests than anything else.

What’s stopping me from printing your product at home on my inkjet printer?2019-09-02T05:28:00-06:00

Our physical product was tweaked and adjusted a seemingly infinite number of times before we landed on a package that “wowed” everyone upon opening it. We’ve ensured the markup covers our expenses, but not much more. This product is a labour-of-love to encourage you to consume a bit less and love your recipient and the planet a bit more.

(See “Why print anything at all?”)

Why print anything at all? Why not just create e-coupons?2019-09-02T05:26:36-06:00

There are lots of electronic coupon options on the internet (search “digital coupon book”), but we realized that they don’t satisfy the same needs as a physical gift. A physical gift allows you to give something tangible to the recipient (especially someone very young or more senior, who may not understand electronic gifts), and share in their delight as they unwrap it. It gives you the option of presenting something to a new parent at their baby shower, or popping the question to your soon-to-be fiancée over champagne at their favourite restaurant. It shows that you put thought into your choice, and didn’t whip-up something on a whim.

Why don’t you use FSC paper products?2019-09-02T05:25:56-06:00

We completely support using paper from sustainably managed forests, and we ensure that our printing houses only use eco-friendly products. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification costs the paper production company money, and the cost is passed along to the consumer (you). In order to make our product more accessible, we opted to use paper produced from trees harvested from the same sustainably managed forests, but without the FSC certification.